Car Hire From £1 Per Day
Great deals for your favourite places – Car Hire from £1 per day!*
Planning your next trip? Finding a low rate on car hire for when you get there has never been easier. We’ve selected deals today at these popular travel spots but we’ve got you covered wherever you go. Save now by booking in advance and make your holiday as stress-free as possible.
Latest Car hire Deals
Car hire London £5 per day
Car hire Alicante £1 per day
Car hire Lisbon £2 per day
Car hire Rome £4 per day
Car hire Dublin £5 per day
Car hire Amsterdam £10 per day
Terms & conditions
*The rates shown above are per day, based on a rental period of at least 7 days. Taxes and additional costs for extras may apply. The rates as shown in the “popular cities” section are purely indicative. The actual rates are shown at the time of the final quotation. We calculate the daily rates based on previous quotations made by other visitors to our website. We look at all quotations for a certain city for which the pick-up date is scheduled between now and the next two months. We take the average of the cheapest hire cars from those quotations and this is shown as the cheapest daily rate.